
Ballade in A-flat Major, Op. 47 Revised Edition Piano Solo 蕭邦 敘事曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$450TWD - $450TWD
$450TWD - $450TWD

羅伯特-舒曼曾寫道:"蕭邦可能是第一個將'圓舞曲'一詞用於音樂的人。羅伯特-舒曼曾寫道:"蕭邦可能是第一個將'民謠'一詞用於音樂的人。據說蕭邦的同胞亞當-密茨凱維奇(Adam Mickiewicz)的詩歌為作曲家的圓舞曲提供了靈感,但這一說法並無具體證據。不過,在這一新體裁中,我們可以清楚地看到文學民謠的戲劇性敘事姿態,例如在 Ballade no. 作品 3 第 3 號圓舞曲作品第 47 首,該作品在全卷修訂後現已出版單行本(HN 862)"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Norbert Müllemann
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
“Chopin was probably the first to apply the word 'ballade' to music,” Robert Schumann once wrote. He and his contemporaries were only familiar with the term “ballad” as a literary generic concept. Poems by Chopin's compatriot Adam Mickiewicz are said to have inspired the composer's ballades, although there is no concrete evidence to support this. However, the dramatic narrative gesture of the literary ballad can clearly be seen in this new genre, as in Ballade no. 3 op. 47 which is now available as a single edition following a revision of the complete volume (HN 862).

頁數: 0
重量(g): 121.905
UPC: 884088474027
