
6 Sonatas for Violin and Basso Continuo 小提琴 奏鳴曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$1,980TWD - $1,980TWD
$1,980TWD - $1,980TWD

"英勇 "和 "敏感 "絕不意味著乏味和老套。18世紀波希米亞帕格尼尼弗朗茨-本達(Franz (Frantisek) Benda)就證明了這一點。他不僅生活多姿多彩、事業有成,而且還創作了以小提琴為主的音樂作品。這些作品充分體現了他的作曲能力和對小提琴的精通。我們備受讚譽的Urtext版本精選了大師不同創作時期的六首奏鳴曲,其中包括四首首次出版的作品,將為所有願意打破常規的小提琴家帶來豐富的體驗。您的努力將得到回報!"

作曲家: Franz Benda
校訂者: Sonja Gerlach
樂器: Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
“Gallant” and “sensitive” by no means implies boring and old-fashioned. Proof of this is given by Franz (Frantisek) Benda, the Bohemian Paganini of the 18th Century. Not only was his life extrememly colourful and successful, but also his musical compositions that were primarily for the violin. They are great examples of his compositional ability and mastery of the violin. Our highly praised Urtext edition with six selected sonatas from the master's different creative periods – including four first publications –will provide a rich experience for all those violinists who are prepared to step off the usual beaten track. Your efforts will rewarded!

頁數: 134
重量(g): 518.805
UPC: 884088176488
