
20 Petites Etudes Flute 練習曲 長笛

$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

"義大利長笛演奏家和作曲家朱塞佩-加里波爾迪(Giuseppe Gariboldi,1833-1905 年)在完成學業後移居巴黎,成為長笛演奏家和多產作曲家。加里波爾迪才華橫溢,他的作品既有輕歌劇,也有研究報告,其中包括廣受歡迎的長笛教材《Vingt Petites Études for Flute》。 Vingt Petites Études 涵蓋了長笛演奏的各種技巧,包括發音、力度、音值、單雙舌、氣息控制、音域、顫音和裝飾音等。Giuseppe Gariboldi 的《Vingt Petites Études 》是所有長笛演奏家進步的必備之書""

作曲家: Giuseppe Gariboldi
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Italian flautist and composer, Giuseppe Gariboldi (1833-1905) moved to Paris after his studies where he worked as a virtuoso Flute player and prolific composer. Being exceedingly talented, Gariboldi's compositions range from operettas to studies, including his ever-popular teaching aid, Vingt Petites Études for Flute. Covering a huge spectrum of Flute techniques, studies in Vingt Petites Études address articulation, dynamics, note values, single and double tonguing, breath control, range, vibrato and ornamentation, among other things. Giuseppe Gariboldi's Vingt Petites Études is essential to accompany all flautist's progress.”

頁數: 10
重量(g): 99.225
UPC: 888680871321
