
17 Variations For Wind Quintet 變奏曲管樂五重奏 變奏曲

$2,670TWD - $2,670TWD
$2,670TWD - $2,670TWD

"法國鋼琴家、指揮家和作曲家讓-蜜雪兒-達馬塞(1928-2013 年)九歲時就開始作曲。他曾在巴黎音樂學院師從多位元重要教授,並在 1947 年獲得羅馬大獎。17 首管樂五重奏變奏曲》也是這位作曲家的成功之作。 達馬塞在各種音樂體裁中都有所涉獵,為法國音樂的傳統增添了更多的優雅。管樂五重奏 17 變奏曲》經常在音樂會上演奏,是一部迷人的作品,適合由長笛、單簧管、雙簧管、巴松管和法國號組成的高級五重奏。對於所有有抱負的高級管樂五重奏來說,達瑪斯的《17 首變奏曲》是樂團曲目中令人興奮的新成員""

作曲家: Jean-Michel Damase
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

17 Variations For Wind Quintet

“French pianist, conductor and composer, Jean-Michel Damase (1928-2013) was composing by the age of nine. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire under many significant professors and won the 1947 Prix de Rome. 17 Variations for Wind Quintet is no exception to the composer's success. Damase is remembered for tackling every genre of music in order to bring further elegance to the tradition of French music. Frequently played in concerts, 17 Variations for Wind Quintet is a charming work for an advanced quintet containing a Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon and French Horn. For all aspiring advanced Wind Quintets, Damase's 17 Variations is an exciting addition to the ensemble's repertoire.”
頁數: 19
重量(g): 240.975
UPC: 888680855802