
You'll Never Walk Alone & Other Sporting Anthems 頌歌

來自 Faber Music
$180TWD - $180TWD
$180TWD - $180TWD

You'll Never Walk Alone & Other Sporting Anthems》是《合唱基礎》系列的一部分,為女高音、中音和男聲混合聲部編曲,並配有簡單的鋼琴伴奏

樂器: Piano, Mixed Voices
出版社: Faber Music
曲目: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Jerusalem; You'll Never Walk Alone.
You'll Never Walk Alone & Other Sporting Anthems, part of the Choral Basics series, has been arranged for soprano, alto and combined men's voices with a straightforward piano accompaniment. The three well known songs in this collection - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Jerusalem; and You'll Never Walk Alone - are arranged to be ideal for beginner choirs and for choirs in which the male singers are few or at the stage when their voices are changing.

語言: English
頁數: 24
重量(g): 61
EAN: 9780571526192
