
The Tempest 艾得斯

來自 Faber Music
$480TWD - $480TWD
$480TWD - $480TWD

湯瑪斯-阿第斯創作的《暴風雨》是近年來最引人注目、最成功的歌劇之一。從一開始動盪的管弦樂前奏,到阿里爾平流層而又空靈的'五深',以及最後一幕光芒四射的五重奏調和,作曲家創造了一個完全引人注目的音樂世界。阿代斯將莎士比亞的作品改編成形式化的韻律,以回應詞作者梅雷迪斯-奧克(Meredith Oake)清晰而不挑剔的改編,他創造了一種新的音調語言,既直接又具有交流性,同時還具有不可磨滅的時代特徵"

作曲家: Adès, Thomas
出版社: Faber Music
With The Tempest Thomas Adès composed one of most striking and successful opera of recent years. From the turbulent orchestral prelude with which it begins to Ariel’s stratospheric yet ethereal ‘Five fathoms deep’ and the radiant quintet of reconciliation in its final act, its composer conjures up a wholly compelling musical world. Responding to librettist Meredith Oake’s clear, unfussy refashioning of Shakespeare into formalised rhyme schemes, Adès has created a new kind of tonal language that is both direct and communicative but also indelibly contemporary.

語言: English
頁數: 48
重量(g): 90
EAN: 9780571523375
