
String Quartet in C Minor 沃恩威廉斯 弦樂四重奏

來自 Faber Music
$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD
$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD

C 小調四重奏》分為四個樂章,總時長約 25 分鐘。 開頭的快板在抒情性上與德沃夏克風格相似,但結尾處的氣氛更加陰暗、沉鬱。 人們很容易從中提琴演奏的安坦提諾主題中發現民歌的影子,但這可能是事後諸葛亮。 該樂章帶有一種朦朧的憂傷,這種憂傷一直延續到接下來的間奏曲中。 最後一個樂章是一個主題和六個變奏,以賦格結尾。 主題類似民謠,帶有 18 世紀的優雅。 在第二段快板變奏中悄然出現了調式,而在隨後的快板中節奏歡快。 這首迷人的四重奏令人欽佩的是它的簡潔性。 這首絃樂四重奏是他的第一首重要作品"

作曲家: Vaughan Williams, Ralph
樂器: Violin, Cello, Viola
出版社: Faber Music
Quartet In C Minor' is in four movements with a total duration of about 25 minutes. The opening Allegro is similar in style to Dvorak in its lyricism, though there is a darker, more brooding atmosphere towards the close. It is tempting to detect a hint of folk-song in the theme of the Andantino, played by the viola, but that may be stretching hindsight too far. The movement has a wistful melancholy that carries over into the following Intermezzo, a song-like episode containing some of the most virtuosic writing in the work. The last movement is a theme and six variations with a fugal ending. The theme is ballad-like with a suggestion of 18th-century elegance. Modality creeps into the second Adagio variation and there is rhythmic exhilaration in the succeeding Presto. What can be admired in this attractive quartet is its conciseness. This String Quartet was his first major composition of any kind.

頁數: 68
重量(g): 280
EAN: 9780571521760
