
Adoro Te

來自 Faber Music
$150TWD - $150TWD
$150TWD - $150TWD

安東尼-皮茨(Antony Pitts)創作的《Adoro te》是湯瑪斯-阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)的作品,由詹姆斯-伍德福德主教(Bishop James Woodford)翻譯成英語。它優美簡潔,篇幅相對較短,是禮儀年中任何時候合唱節目的理想之選"

作曲家: Pitts, Antony
樂器: Mixed Voices
出版社: Faber Music
Antony Pitts' setting of Adoro te is a hauntingly atmospheric setting of text by Thomas Aquinas, which has been translated into English by Bishop James Woodford. Its beautiful simplicity and relative brevity makes it an ideal addition to a choral programme at any point in the liturgical year. Faber New Choral Works introduces a wealth of new or recently written choral music to choirs in search of fresh repertoire. The series draws in a rich diversity of living composers and includes both lighter and more challenging contemporary works, offering a thrilling array of varied styles.

語言: Latin
頁數: 8
重量(g): 28
EAN: 9780571520831

