
The Origin of the Harp 艾得斯 豎琴

來自 Faber Music
$960TWD - $960TWD
$960TWD - $960TWD

湯瑪斯-阿德斯的《豎琴的起源》溫柔、細膩、精緻而浪漫,其靈感來自丹尼爾-麥克利斯的一幅畫作,主題是凱爾特傳說中的一個水仙女,她愛上了一個凡人,並無望地掙扎著離開自己的世界,到陸地上與他團聚。眾神憐憫她的失敗,出手將她變成了一把豎琴,將她的哭泣化作琴弦上輕柔的風聲。這幅畫表現的是她蛻變前的瞬間,她的頭髮被她的身體、岩石和手臂組成的三角形框住。在這首曲子中,豎琴本身並沒有出現,而是在第四段也是最後一段的開頭,在神的干預下出現的。 這首為單簧管、中提琴、大提琴三重奏和打擊樂而作的短短九分鐘音調詩,1994 年由哈雷管弦樂團首次演奏

作曲家: Adès, Thomas
樂器: Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Faber Music
Gentle, subtle, refined and romantic, Thomas Adès’s The Origin of the Harp takes its inspiration from a painting by Daniel Maclise whose subject is the Celtic Legend of a water nymph who falls for a mortal and struggles hopelessly to leave her element and join him on land. The Gods, taking pity on her failure, intervene and turn her into a harp, transforming her weeping into a gentle music of wind through strings. The painting shows her in the moment preceding the metamorphosis, the strands of her hair framed by a triangle of her body, a rock and her arm. In this piece, too, the harp itself is not featured but suggested, at the start of the fourth and final section, after a flash of divine intervention. A brief nine-minute tone poem for trios of clarinets, violas and cellos, and percussion, this work was first performed by the Hallé Orchestra in 1994.

頁數: 64
重量(g): 234
EAN: 9780571518111
