
Elegy 霍爾斯特,古斯塔夫 悲歌

來自 Faber Music
$720TWD - $720TWD
$720TWD - $720TWD

霍爾斯特的《F 調交響曲:科茨沃爾德》作品 8(H.47)創作於 1899 年和 1900 年,1902 年由丹-戈弗雷指揮的伯恩第斯市立管弦樂團進行了可能是其唯一一次演出(這是霍爾斯特所有管弦樂作品的首次專業演出)。 交響曲的手稿現藏于大英圖書館。 音樂參差不齊,只有在第二樂章 "挽歌 "中,霍爾斯特才實現了他的雄心壯志:他聽過威廉姆斯-莫里斯的演講,並在他倫敦的家中排練了哈默史密斯社會主義合唱團,他對威廉姆斯-莫里斯的感情激發了他發自內心的讚美。 莫里斯於 1896 年去世;從 1871 年到去世,他一直住在牛津郡科茨沃爾德邊緣的凱爾姆斯科特莊園

作曲家: Holst, Gustav
出版社: Faber Music
Holst's Symphony in F: The Cotswold Op.8 (H.47) was composed in 1899 and 1900 and given what was in all probability its only performance in 1902 by the Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra conducted by Dan Godfrey (this was the first professional performance of any of Holst's orchestral works). The manuscript of the symphony is in the British Library. The music is uneven, and only in the second movement, 'Elegy', was Holst equal to his ambition: his feelings for Williams Moris, whom he heard lecture, and in whose London house he rehearsed the Hammersmith Socialist Choir, inspired a heartfelt tribute. Morris died in 1896; he lived at Kelmscott Manor in Oxfordshire, on the edge of the Cotswolds, from 1871 until his death.

頁數: 32
重量(g): 126
EAN: 9780571517145
