
Traced Overhead 艾得斯

來自 Faber Music
$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

湯瑪斯-阿第斯的《空中軌跡》(Traced Overhead)(1995-6)由伊莫金-庫珀(Imogen Cooper)在切爾滕納姆音樂節上首演,分為三個樂章,篇幅逐漸增加。第一個樂章'Sursum'(拉丁語中表示向上運動的副詞)的標記是 velocissimo quasi senza peso(非常快,仿佛沒有重量),持續時間不到一分鐘。在 "Aetheria "樂章中,氣氛得到擴展,並繼續上升,最後樂章以一個巨大的、有控制的慢板結束,不間斷地進入 "Chori"(合唱)。這個樂章繼續通過地層上升。緩慢移動的三部和絃層營造出一種垂直空間感,在這種空間感中,新的、豐富的和聲旋律徐徐展開。作品的結尾是一個向大地翻滾的樂章,在之前探索過的層次中下降"

作曲家: Adès, Thomas
樂器: Piano
出版社: Faber Music
First performed by Imogen Cooper at the Cheltenham Festival, Thomas Adès’s Traced Overhead (1995-6) unfolds in three movements of progressively increasing length. The first, ‘Sursum’ (the Latin adverb of upward motion), is marked velocissimo quasi senza peso (very fast, as if without weight), and lasts for under a minute. In ‘Aetheria’ the atmosphere is expanded and the ascent is continued before the movement ends with a massive, controlled slowing down, leading without a break into ‘Chori’ (choruses). This movement continues the ascent through the strata. The slow-moving layers of three part-chords create a sense of vertical space in which a new and richly harmonised melody is unfolded. The work ends with a tumble earthwards, descending through the previously-explored levels.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 140
EAN: 9780571517008
