
Christmas Fare

來自 Faber Music
$180TWD - $180TWD
$180TWD - $180TWD

Jane Sebba 的《Christmas Fare》包含四首原創歌曲:充滿活力的爵士樂《Troika》和《Christmas Fare》與兩首淒美動人的民謠《森林深處》和《最後的耶誕節》形成鮮明對比,是一部令人難以抗拒的娛樂性作品集。Faber Young Voices 系列為高聲部編曲,可選擇低中音或男中音聲部(適用於新換聲部或不穩定聲部),並配有易於掌握的鋼琴伴奏。該系列專為尋找有益曲目的年輕合唱團或新成立的合唱團而設計"

作曲家: Sebba, Jane
樂器: Piano, Mixed Voices
出版社: Faber Music
曲目: Troika; Christmas Fare; Deep In The Forest; Last Christmas
Jane Sebba's Christmas Fare contains four original songs: the sprited, jazzy Troika and Christmas Fare contrast strikingly with two poignant, moving ballads Deep in the Forest and Last Christmas to produce an irresistible, entertaining collection. The Faber Young Voices series is arranged for upper voices, with an optional low alto or baritone part (for newly changed or unstable voices) and with manageable piano accompaniments. The series is designed for young or newly formed choirs looking for rewarding repertoire.

語言: English
頁數: 20
重量(g): 71
EAN: 9780571516933
