
Death In Venice (Chorus Part) 布瑞頓 魂斷威尼斯合唱

來自 Faber Music
$480TWD - $480TWD
$480TWD - $480TWD

布裡頓的最後一部歌劇《威尼斯之死》改編自湯瑪斯-曼的短篇小說。它講述了年邁的小說家古斯塔夫-馮-阿申巴赫(Gustav von Aschenbach)的內心動盪。由於無法表白自己的愛意,他在城市遭受瘟疫肆虐時死去。這部歌劇充滿了氣氛和強烈的音效,簡單而微妙的動機將整部歌劇完美地融合在一起。僅合唱部分"

作曲家: Britten, Benjamin
出版社: Faber Music
Britten’s last opera, Death In Venice, is based on the short story by Thomas Mann. It follows the inner turmoil of the ageing novelist Gustav von Aschenbach, who becomes infatuated by a boy he sees on the beach in Venice. Unable to confess his love, he dies as the city is ravaged by plague. Full of atmosphere and intense soundscapes, the simple yet subtle motives pull the opera together with great sureness of touch. Chorus part only.

語言: English, German
頁數: 104
重量(g): 360
EAN: 9780571507153
