
Chichester Psalms 伯恩斯坦雷歐納德 奇徹斯特詩篇

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

1965年,伯恩斯坦受奇賈斯特院長的委託,創作了色彩斑斕的《奇賈斯特詩篇》,這是作曲家最成功、最通俗易懂的宗教作品之一。作曲家將其獲得奧斯卡提名的 1954 年電影《在水一方》的配樂改編成交響組曲,巧妙地捕捉了 50 年代紐約碼頭的壓抑氣氛。三段舞曲》選自廣受歡迎的《在城裡》,這是伯恩斯坦首次成功涉足音樂劇領域"

作曲家: Bernstein Leonard
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
Commissioned in 1965 by the Dean of Chichester, Bernstein's colourful Chichster Psalms is one of the composer's most successful and accessible works on religious texts, contrasting spiritual austerity with impulsive rhythms in a contemplation of peace. The composer fashioned his Oscar-nominated score to the 1954 movie On the Waterfront into a symphonic suite, skillfully capturing the oppression of the New York dockyards in the '50s. The Three Dance Episodes were extracted from the popular On the Town, Bernstein's first successful foray into musical theatre.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 636943917725
