
West Side Story 伯恩斯坦雷歐納德 西城故事

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

倫納德-伯恩斯坦因其作為音樂會鋼琴家、指揮家、作曲家、作家和教師的能力而備受讚譽。正是他的多才多藝使《西區故事》將音樂劇提升到了新的高度。能將嚴肅的芭蕾舞音樂和古典的賦格曲與令人難忘的流行旋律、爵士樂、動聽的曲調、盪氣迴腸的情歌和雜耍式的幽默結合起來,伯恩斯坦堪稱 20 世紀真正的文藝復興音樂家。伯恩斯坦的這部戲劇傑作的錄音改編自其電影和百老匯版本之前的原始版本"

作曲家: Bernstein Leonard
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
Leonard Bernstein has been lionized for his abilities as concert pianist, conductor, composer, author, and teacher. It was his extraordinary versatility that enabled West Side Story to elevate musical theatre to new heights. The ability to combine serious ballet music and clasically constructed fugues with memorable popular melodies, jazzy, finger-snapping tunes, heart wrenching love songs, and vaudevillian humour could only have come from one man, the true Renaissance musician of the 20th century. This recording of Bernstein's theatrical masterpiece is adapted from the original version, prior to its film and Broadway renditions.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 636943912621
