
Symphonie Fantastique 白遼士 幻想交響曲

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

《幻想交響曲》的副標題是'藝術家生活中的插曲',它以自傳體的形式講述了柏遼茲對愛爾蘭女演員哈里特-史密森(Harriet Smithson)的迷戀。柏遼茲閱讀湯瑪斯-德-昆西(Thomas de Quincey)的《一個英國鴉片吸食者的自白》(Confessions of an English Opium Eater)對交響樂產生了另一個重大影響。這很可能在他夢中的愛人身上引入了某種夢魘般的特徵。她在音樂中被稱為 "固定的意念"(idee fixe),在整部交響曲中以多種不同的形式出現,成為一個統一的元素。作品的五個樂章分別描述了作曲家激情的不同方面,既有浪漫和反思,也有花哨和庸俗。幻想交響曲》是浪漫主義想像力的最高典範"

作曲家: Berlioz Hector
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
The Symphonie Fantastique was sub-titled 'Episode in the life of an artist,' and it deals autobiographically with Berlioz's overwhelming infatuation with an Irish actress, Harriet Smithson. Another major influence on the symphony was Berlioz's reading of Thomas de Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium Eater. This may well have introduced a certain nightmarish character into his dreams of his beloved. She is represented by a musical 'idee fixe' which occurs in many different guises throughout the symphony and which provides a unifying element. Each of the work's five movements describes different aspects of the composer's passion, from the romantic and reflective to the garish and vulgar. The Symphonie Fantastique is a supreme example of the romantic imagination in action.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 730099459723
