
Practicing Is for the Birds The Ultimate Practice Organizer with Reward Stickers 管風琴

$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

教師、音樂學生和學習樂器的青少年家長都會喜歡這種省時的版面設計--它能幫助學生更有效地安排在家練習的時間。每本日記本都包含一年的每週練習頁和圖文並茂的獎勵貼紙。9 x 12 的尺寸和色彩鮮豔的封面有助於確保它不會在其他書籍之間丟失。它將成為一本易於參考的紀念冊,並附有老師的個人筆記

作曲家: Susan Pascale
出版社: American String Teachers Association
Teachers, music students, and parents of youngsters studying a musical instrument will love the time-saving layout---it helps students organize their practice time more efficiently at home. Each journal contains a year's worth of weekly practice pages and delightfully illustrated reward stickers. The 9 x12 size and brightly colored cover helps insure it won't get lost between other books. It becomes an easily referenced keepsake journal complete with personal notes from their teacher.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 408.233133
ISBN: 9780967513720
UPC: 38081479309
