
The iPad Piano Studio Keys to Unlocking the Power of Apps 鋼琴

$880TWD - $880TWD
$880TWD - $880TWD

你有 iPad 嗎?你想買一台嗎?本書提供的工具可幫助你充分挖掘其在任何音樂工作室中的使用潛力。您將瞭解使用 iPad 增強教學效果的好處,發現它如何為您節省時間和金錢,並學習如何將特定應用程式整合到日常課程中。Leila Viss 是 88PianoKeys.me 網站的博主,教授鋼琴已有 25 年之久,每次私人授課都會安排實驗課來鞏固概念。她毫無顧忌地迷戀上了 iPad 和各種應用程式,並聲稱它徹底改變了她 21 世紀的教學。本書是 Leila 希望與他人分享她的新愛的直接成果。從那些還在考慮購買 iPad 的人到那些被認為是資深 iPad 用戶的人,每個人都能在書中找到適合自己的內容--不僅適合鋼琴教學者,也適合其他樂器教學者。各章內容簡明扼要,圖形醒目,格式新穎,便於快速收集資訊。通過掃描器應用程式,您可以使用任何移動設備掃描遍佈全書的二維碼。平裝本附帶數位選項,可訪問不斷增加的視頻庫和更新的博客,其中包含關於最新應用程式的文章,以及像您這樣的教師如何在工作室中使用 iPad。實體和線上體驗的融合提供了一種獨特的混合方法,將最新的資訊、想法、見解和靈感源源不斷地結合在一起"

作曲家: Leila J Viss
樂器: Piano
出版社: American String Teachers Association
Do you have an iPad? Are you thinking of getting one? This book provides the tools to help you tap into its full potential for use in any music studio. You will understand the benefits of using an iPad to enhance your teaching, discover how it can save you time and money and learn how to integrate specific apps into your daily lessons. Leila Viss, blogger at 88PianoKeys.me, has taught piano for over 25 years and has always included a lab session to reinforce concepts with every private lesson. She has become unashamedly infatuated with the iPad and the variety of apps and claims it has revolutionized her 21st century teaching. This book is a direct result of Leila's desire to share her new love with others. From those who are still contemplating the purchase of an iPad to those considered "veteran" iPad owners, there's something for everyone---not only for those who teach piano but also other instruments as well. The chapters are concise with striking graphics and a fresh format so that information can be gathered quickly. With a scanner app you can scan the QR codes sprinkled throughout the book with any mobile device. The paperback with digital options provides access to a growing video library and an updated blog with posts about the latest apps and how teachers like you are using the iPad in their studios. The fusion of physical and online experiences provides an exclusive hybrid approach that combines a continual stream of the latest information, ideas, insight, and inspiration.

頁數: 86
重量(g): 181.436948
ISBN: 9780990001003
UPC: 605456793751
