
Minor Moods For the victims of the 2011 Queensland Floods

來自 Wilfin Music
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD

這首簡單的 E 小調旋律將鼓勵學生傾聽並培養良好的音準。使用長音和全弓是所有青少年弦樂演奏者的基本技能。弓子的劃分需要經過深思熟慮。中段的爵士華爾滋感覺有些棘手,但為了便於學習,所有聲部都採用了分塊演奏。最後的和絃喚起了人們的一線希望,他們的家園被摧毀了,但在志願者大軍的不懈努力下,他們的家園又恢復了生機"

作曲家: Loreta Fin
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Wilfin Music
難度: 1-1.5; (1-1.5)
This simple E minor melody will encourage students to listen and develop good intonation. The use of long notes and whole bows is an essential skill for all young string players. Bow divisions need to be well thought out. The jazz-waltz feel in the middle section is a little tricky, but is blocked across all parts for ease of learning. The final chord evokes a ray of hope for those whose homes were destroyed, yet were brought back to life by an army of volunteers who worked tirelessly in the clean-up effort.

頁數: 66
重量(g): 226.796185
UPC: 38081419312
