
Dance of the Cossacks 舞曲

來自 Wilfin Music
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD

雖然這支舞蹈充滿活力,但開始時不能太快,以便在最後部分進行加速。不過,當合奏對節奏有信心時,可以嘗試更大膽的節奏。第二小提琴和中提琴的離拍要短而準確,低音線要非常堅實。指揮可決定在第 21 小節時合奏時使用撥弦或 col legno。至關重要的是,從第 29 小節開始,每個樂段都要認真計數。最後一小節應該是激動人心的,但仍要保持控制"

作曲家: Loreta Fin
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Wilfin Music
難度: 2.5; -2.5
Although this dance is energetic, it mustn’t begin too quickly, to allow for the accelerando in the final section. However, when the ensemble is confident with the rhythms, a more adventurous tempo could be attempted. The off-beats in the 2nd violins and violas need to be short and precise and the bass line very solid. The conductor can decide whether the ensemble uses pizzicato or col legno at bar 21. It is vital that each section counts very carefully from bar 29. The final bars should be exciting, but remain controlled.

頁數: 114
重量(g): 430.9127515
UPC: 38081357034
