
Daphnis et Chloe Suite No. 2 拉威爾摩利斯 組曲

$14,000TWD - $14,000TWD
$14,000TWD - $14,000TWD

b>樂器:2d1+1+中音,2+1,2+1+女低音,3+1 - 4,4,3,1,定音鼓,打擊樂,2HP,CEL,弦樂,MX合唱拉威爾最長的作品,近一個小時,完整的獨幕芭蕾舞劇《達夫尼斯與克洛伊》被作曲家稱為 "舞蹈交響曲"(sympphonie choregraphique)。 這部作品講述了希臘牧羊人達夫尼斯和牧羊女克洛伊的浪漫愛情故事,拉威爾是在 1909 年收到俄羅斯著名芭蕾舞劇家謝爾蓋-迪亞吉列夫的委託後開始創作的。 這部作品充滿了印象派運動典型的茂密和聲和音樂主題,被認為是拉威爾最富激情和最出色的作品之一。 拉威爾從芭蕾舞劇中提取音樂,創作了兩首管弦樂組曲,可與合唱或不與合唱一起演奏,其中這首《第二組曲》尤其受歡迎"

作曲家: Ravel Maurice
出版社: Kalmus Classic Edition
Instrumentation: 2d1+1+alto, 2+1, 2+1+Eb, 3+1 - 4, 4, 3, 1, timp, perc, 2hp, cel, str, mx chor Ravel's longest work at almost an hour, the complete one-act ballet Daphnis et Chloe was described by the composer as a "symphonie choregraphique" (choreographic symphony). Ravel began the work, a romance about the Greek goatherd Daphnis and the shepherdess Chloe, upon receiving a 1909 commission from famed Russian ballet impresario Sergei Diaghilev, and the premiere in 1912 included Vaslav Nijinksky and Tamara Karsavina in the title roles. Full of lush harmonies typical of the impressionist movement and musical leitmotifs, the work is considered among Ravel's most passionate and best compositions. Ravel extracted the music from the ballet to make two orchestra suites, which can be performed with or without chorus, of which this Suite No. 2 is particularly popular.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 3719.457434
UPC: 660355006937
