
The Firebird Suite for Symphonic Band 火鳥組曲

$7,800TWD - $7,800TWD
$7,800TWD - $7,800TWD

這首由蘭迪-厄爾斯(Randy Earles)為樂隊改編(由偉大的弗雷德里克-芬內爾(Frederick Fennell)編輯)的斯特拉文斯基 1919 年版《火鳥組曲》要歸功於無與倫比的學校樂隊專案,它一直是德克薩斯州的驕傲。蘭迪-厄爾斯(Randy Earles)正是本著德克薩斯州競爭激烈的樂隊項目的精神,受聘編寫了這一轉錄曲目,其中所有熟悉的簧管和銅管樂器獨奏都出現在這一傑作的未剪輯版本中。這首曲子絕非易事,它的完整呈現將對指揮和演奏者在教學和表演的各個方面提出挑戰。(20:00)

作曲家: Igor Stravinskytransc Randy Earles
校訂者: Frederick Fennell
出版社: Kalmus Classic Edition
難度: 5; -5
This transcription for band by Randy Earles (edited by the great Frederick Fennell) of Stravinsky's 1919 version of The Firebird Suite owes its existence to the incomparable school band program, long the pride of the state of Texas. It is in the spirit of Texas' competitive band programs that caused Randy Earles to be retained to prepare this transcription, with all of the familiar reed and brass instrumental solos present in this un-cut presentation of this masterpiece. Never an easy piece, this complete presentation will challenge both conductors and players in all aspects of education and performance. (20:00)

頁數: 0
重量(g): 1451.495584
