
Jazz Piano Voicings for Non-Pianists For Individual or Group Study 爵士音樂鋼琴

$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

每個音樂家都應該基本瞭解鋼琴家如何以及為何以特定方式為和絃配音。本書由一位圓號演奏家設計,以簡單、非鋼琴化的語言講述並解釋了真實、時髦的和絃配音基礎知識。您將在很短的時間內就能在標準樂曲上獨立作曲。包括許多最受歡迎的艾伯索德伴奏曲目(包括第 54 卷:處女航中的 11 首曲目)的書面配音,因此你可以在貝司和鼓的伴奏下進行作曲。本書無需鋼琴技巧即可有效使用。今天就彈奏出美妙的爵士樂音色!

作曲家: Mike Tracy
出版社: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
難度: Beginning;
風格: Jazz
Every musician should have a basic understanding of how and why pianists voice chords in certain ways. This book, designed by a horn player, addresses and explains the basics of authentic, hip sounding chord voicings in simple, non-pianistic language. You'll be comping on your own over standards in a short period of time. Includes written voicings over many of the most popular Aebersold play-along tracks (including 11 tracks from Volume 54: Maiden Voyage), so you can comp with bass and drums backing you up. No piano skills are required to use this book effectively. Play great jazz voicings today!

頁數: 150
重量(g): 362.873896
ISBN: 9781562240929
UPC: 635621500563
