
The Musician's Book of Five Rings Martial Arts to Musical Arts: Samurai Strategies of Miyamoto Musashi for Excellence and Ascension of Performance

$440TWD - $440TWD
$440TWD - $440TWD

從來沒有一本關於如何掌握音樂的書比這本書更獨特!從劍到斧,漢斯-斯蒂芬-考夫曼(Hanshi Stephen Kaufman)將古代武士的智慧轉化為提高演奏水準的態度,讓你保持鋒利、嚴謹,為真正的偉大做好準備。本書以十六世紀傳奇武士宮本武藏的五環哲學為基礎,教你克服音樂和生活中常見的成功障礙。本書文字簡潔,切中要害,所闡述的概念易於認真的讀者吸收和理解"

作曲家: Stephen F Kaufman
出版社: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
There has never been a more unique book written on the subject of achieving musical mastery! From the sword to your ax, Hanshi Stephen Kaufman transposes the ancient wisdom of warriors into a performance-enhancing attitude to keep you sharp, disciplined, and prepared for true greatness. Based on the profound Five Rings philosophy of legendary sixteenth century Samurai swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, this book will teach you to overcome the common barriers to success in music and life. It is concisely written and to the point, and the concepts presented are easy for the serious reader to absorb and comprehend.

頁數: 76
重量(g): 113.3980925
ISBN: 9781562243234
UPC: 635621501560
