
Vivaldi's Four Seasons for the Beginning Pianist With Downloadable MP3s 韋瓦第

來自 Dover
$450TWD - $450TWD
$450TWD - $450TWD

作曲家和小提琴演奏家安東尼奧-維瓦爾第(Antonio Vivaldi)最著名的作品是他的四部小提琴協奏曲,每部協奏曲都表現了一年中的一個季節。這些協奏曲創作於 1720 年左右,是最早的程式音樂或帶有敘事元素的音樂作品之一。本版本從整部樂譜中精選了一些曲目,特別為初學鋼琴者進行了改編。隨書還附有下載每首樂曲 MP3 文件的說明"

作曲家: Vivaldi Antonio
校訂者: David Dutkanicz
樂器: Piano
出版社: Dover Publications
難度: Easy;
Composer and virtuoso violinist Antonio Vivaldi is best known for his group of four violin concerti, each of which offers a musical expression of a season of the year. Written circa 1720, they rank among the earliest examples of program music, or music with a narrative element. This edition of the perennially popular work features distilled selections from the entire score that have been specially adapted for beginning pianists. Directions for downloading MP3 files of each piece are included.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 18.1436948
ISBN: 9780486842929
UPC: 800759842926
