
The Three-Cornered Hat 法雅

來自 Dover
$585TWD - $585TWD
$585TWD - $585TWD

根據佩德羅-安東尼奧-德-阿拉爾孔(Pedro Antonio de Alarcón)的故事改編,這部詼諧的音樂嬉鬧劇講述了一個地方官試圖勾引磨坊主妻子的故事。該劇首演於 1919 年,是芭蕾舞和管弦樂的主要曲目,帶有安達盧西亞民間旋律的韻味,這也是曼努埃爾-德-法拉在這一時期音樂的共同特點。這本經濟實惠的微型樂譜翻印自權威的 1921 年英文版,並附有小節編號,便於參考。本冊價格適中、經久耐用、便於攜帶,是在課堂、家中或音樂廳學習的理想之選

作曲家: Falla Manuel de
樂器: Full Orchestra
出版社: Dover Publications
風格: Masterwork
Based on a story by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, this witty musical frolic recounts a magistrate's attempts to seduce a miller's wife. First performed in 1919, this staple of both the ballet and orchestral repertoires is enhanced with the flavor of Andalusian folk melodies, a characteristic common to Manuel de Falla's music of the period. This affordable miniature score is reproduced from an authoritative 1921 English edition, complete with bar-numbered movements for easy reference. Affordable, durable, and portable, this volume is ideal for study in the classroom, at home, or in the concert hall.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 83.00740371
ISBN: 9780486490342
UPC: 9780486490342
