
Young Jazz Ensemble Collection 爵士音樂

來自 Alfred Music
$320TWD - $320TWD
$320TWD - $320TWD

由經驗豐富的教育編曲家和作曲家為青年爵士樂團創作的 12 首優秀編曲。其中包括各種風格和速度:搖擺樂、民謠、拉丁、節日、搖滾以及 5/4 拍的經典 Take Five。本曲譜集是為全樂器編制而編寫的,包括五支薩克斯管、四支小號、四支長號和四支節奏管,但在設計時只減少了十二名演奏者的樂器編制,即四支薩克斯管、五支銅管、鋼琴、貝司和鼓,使其聽起來更加飽滿和完整。長笛、單簧管、圓號、次中音圓號和大號均可選配。節奏部分提供了節奏和鋼琴聲部的建議,吉他和絃也為年輕的吉他手提供了幫助。為即興部分編寫了獨奏,還有大量音色飽滿的合奏。指揮書中包括完整的 CD 錄音。標題如下夜色中的藍調 * 卷餅出發 * 過一個快樂的耶誕節 * 在林邊跳躍 * 叢林布吉 * 迷霧 * 夜以繼日 * 在綠色海豚街 * 盡情發揮薩克斯風 * 夏日時光 * Take Five * Tastes Like Chicken"

樂器: Guitar
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Jazz
Twelve outstanding arrangements for the young jazz ensemble written by experienced educational arrangers and composers. A variety of styles and tempos is included: swing, ballad, Latin, holiday, rock, and the classic "Take Five" with a 5/4 time signature. This collection of charts is written for full instrumentation---five saxophones, four trumpets, four trombones and four rhythm---but designed to sound full and complete with reduced instrumentation of just twelve players---four saxes, five brass, piano, bass and drums. Optional parts are available for flute, clarinet, horn, baritone horn and tuba. Rhythm section parts offer suggestions for rhythms and piano voicings, and guitar chords are included to assist young guitarists. Solos are written out for improvised sections, and there is plenty of full-sounding ensemble. The conductor's book includes full-length CD recordings. Titles are: Blues in the Night * Burritos to Go * Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas * Jumpin' at the Woodside * Jungle Boogie * Misty * Night and Day * On Green Dolphin Street * Sax to the Max * Summertime * Take Five * Tastes Like Chicken.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 121.56275516
ISBN: 9780757919206
UPC: 654979072577
