
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Symphonic Suite from 交響組曲

來自 Alfred Music
$3,560TWD - $3,560TWD
$3,560TWD - $3,560TWD

獲獎作曲家約翰-威廉姆斯(John Williams)與羅伯特-W-史密斯(Robert W. Smith)的才華完美結合。這是史詩電影配樂中四個最受推崇主題的混合曲目,令人歎為觀止。編曲以熟悉的《序幕》開始:第二卷。接著是《密室》中咄咄逼人的主題,然後是《鳳凰福克斯》,最後是前兩部電影中都使用過的主題《哈利的奇幻世界》。這首曲子生動而富有動感,是電影的真實寫照,一定會讓觀眾大呼過癮。(6:05)

作曲家: Music by John Williams
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 4 (Medium); -4
風格: Movie
The combination of award-winning composer John Williams and the talents of Robert W. Smith make for exquisite results. A stunning medley of the four most revered themes from the epic film score. The arrangement begins with the familiar "Prologue: Book II." Next is the aggressive theme from "The Chamber of Secrets," followed by "Fawkes the Phoenix," and finally the theme used in both of the first two films, "Harry's Wondrous World." A vivid and dynamic portrayal of the movie, this one will be a real crowd pleaser. (6:05)

頁數: 272
重量(g): 1406.136347
ISBN: 9780757932342
UPC: 654979059097
