
Bartók: Allegro Barbaro, Sz. 49 巴爾托克 粗獷的快板

來自 Alfred Music
$200TWD - $200TWD
$200TWD - $200TWD

這首曲子創作於 1911 年,是巴托克第一首獨立的大型鋼琴作品,也是他第一次以打擊樂的形式使用鋼琴。從 ppp 到 ffff,曲中有許多情緒和動態的變化,非常強調重音和各種觸鍵。亨森博士還提供了出色的演奏注釋和歷史資訊"

作曲家: Bartok Bela
校訂者: Maurice Hinson
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced; (6+)
風格: Masterwork
Written in 1911, this piece was Bartok's first large-scale independent piano composition, and the first time he used the piano this percussively. There are many shifts in moods and dynamics from ppp to ffff, and a strong emphasis on accents and a variety of touches. There are excellent performance notes and historic information included by Dr. Hinson.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 36.2873896
ISBN: 9780882848631
UPC: 38081158945
