
Grieg: March of the Dwarfs 葛利格 進行曲

來自 Alfred Music
$220TWD - $220TWD
$220TWD - $220TWD

這首著名的描寫性作品出自格裡格的《抒情小品》作品 54,創作於 1891 年,是作曲家在挪威約頓海門山脈旅行後創作的,意在描繪神秘的夜間生物四處喧鬧的情景。這首曲子採用 D 小調,音色動感十足,從低聲細語一直到雷鳴般的小矮人行軍大合唱,與寧靜、田園詩般的中段形成鮮明對比"

作曲家: Grieg Edvard
校訂者: Maurice Hinson
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Late Intermediate; -6
風格: Masterwork
From Grieg's "Lyric Pieces," Op. 54, this well-known and descriptive 1891 composition was written after the composer's trip to the Jotunheimen mountains in Norway, and is meant to portray mystical nocturnal creatures swarming about "with much boisterous activity." Written in D minor, the dynamic tone painting ranges from a whisper all the way up to a thunderous marching chorus of multitudes of marching dwarves, contrasted by a peaceful, idyllic and folksong-like middle section.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 49.8951607
ISBN: 9780739005255
UPC: 38081052786
