
Van Halen Hits Featuring: Panama / Jump 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

維克多-洛佩斯編曲的 "範-海倫經典曲目 "將讓您的學生和觀眾在下一個節目中領略範-海倫的經典搖滾樂。這首終極經典搖滾混合曲目展示了 Panama 和 Jump 這兩首範-海倫(Van Halen)最熱門的歌曲。這兩首歌曲於 1984 年發行,時至今日依然炙手可熱,絕對會讓你的聽眾在心潮澎湃中躍躍欲試。(4:10)

作曲家: Words and music by David Lee Roth Edward Van Halen and Alex Van Halen
改編者: Victor López
樂器: Full Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2.5; -2.5
風格: Pop/Rock
Van Halen Hits, arranged by Victor López, will treat your students and audience to a Van Halen classic rock tour at your next program. This ultimate classic rock medley showcases "Panama" and "Jump," two of Van Halen's biggest hits. Released in 1984 and still hot today, these tunes will definitely get your audience jumping in a heartbeat. This arrangement will work great with strings and percussion alone or full orchestra. (4:05)


頁數: 24
重量(g): 68.0388555
ISBN: 9781470646868
UPC: 38081566092
