
Grieg: Sonata in E Minor, Opus 7 葛利格 奏鳴曲 作品

來自 Alfred Music
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這首 1865 年奏鳴曲的樂譜獨奏版包含歷史和演奏注釋,關於這首奏鳴曲,辛森博士有如下評價:這首奏鳴曲在整體構思和結構細節上都顯示出格裡格毋庸置疑的才華.............. .總的來說,這首奏鳴曲寫得很好,具有舒曼式的風格。這首奏鳴曲在技術上要求極高,明顯向三年後創作的 A 小調協奏曲作品 16(1868 年)的大師級鋼琴風格靠攏。協奏曲共有四個樂章:四個樂章分別是:中速快板、慢板、慢板和快板(終曲)"

作曲家: Grieg Edvard
校訂者: Maurice Hinson
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Early Advanced; (6+)
風格: Masterwork
Historical and performance notes are included in this sheet solo version of the 1865 sonata, about which Dr. Hinson says the following: "In its overall concept as well as in its structural details, the sonata shows Grieg's unquestionable talent . . . In general, the sonata is well written, with a Schumannesque flair. Technically demanding, it clearly points toward the masterly piano style of the A Minor Concerto, Op. 16 (1868), composed three years later." There are four movements: Allegro Moderato, Andante Molto, Alla Menuetto ma poco piu lento, and Molto allegro (Finale).

頁數: 32
重量(g): 130.18101019
UPC: 38081049212
