
Czerny: 160 8-Measure Exercises, Opus 821 徹爾尼 練習曲 作品

來自 Alfred Music
$360TWD - $360TWD
$360TWD - $360TWD

車爾尼的作品 821 是一個令人愉快的八小節練習曲集,其中包括標量性形象、連奏與頓奏的對比、顫音、琶音、轉調、裝飾音等。這些練習曲簡潔明瞭,旋律和表現手法極具吸引力。車爾尼本人建議每首練習曲至少連續練習八遍。這些練習曲是為中高級學生編寫的"

作曲家: Czerny Carl
校訂者: Maurice Hinson
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Intermediate / Advanced; (4/5/6/6+)
風格: Masterwork
Czerny's Op. 821 is an enjoyable collection of eight-measure exercises including scalar figurations, contrast of legato and staccato, trills, arpeggios, transposition, ornamentation and more. Their brevity and attractive melodies and figurations make them most appealing. Czerny himself recommended that each of these exercises be practiced at least eight times in succession. They are written for the intermediate to advanced student.

頁數: 84
重量(g): 277.59853044
ISBN: 9780739007143
UPC: 38081049199
