
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Suite from Featuring: Another Story / The Ministry of Magic / Fireworks / Professor Umbridge / Dumbledore's Army 組曲 煙火

來自 Alfred Music
$2,800TWD - $2,800TWD
$2,800TWD - $2,800TWD

隨著《哈利-波特》系列第五部電影的上映,霍格華茲的冒險故事將繼續上演,尼古拉斯-胡珀(Nicholas Hooper)出色的電影配樂中最動感十足的曲調將為您呈現。在這部蒙太奇音樂劇中,這些樂曲被巧妙地編排,捕捉到了這部動作片中所有的戲劇性和情感變化。從以往配樂中耳熟能詳的《海德薇主題曲》開始,這首混合曲還融入了令人聯想起魔法部的風雲變幻、騙人的烏姆裡奇教授和守護神咒的音樂片段,曲調分別為:《另一個故事》、《魔法部》、《煙花》、《烏姆裡奇教授》和《鄧布利多的軍隊》。這是一次老少皆宜的音樂之旅,特別適合年輕的樂隊演奏。 (2:56)

作曲家: Music by John Williams and Nicholas Hooper
改編者: Douglas E. Wagner
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2 (Easy); -2
風格: Movie
The adventures at Hogwarts continue with the fifth movie in the Harry Potter series with the most dynamic tunes from Nicholas Hooper’s brilliant film score. Masterfully arranged in this musical montage, they capture all of the drama and gamut of emotion portrayed in the action-packed film. Beginning with the familiar "Hedwig’s Theme," heard in previous scores, the medley also incorporates musical moments reminiscent of the change of climate at the Ministry of Magic, the deceptive Professor Umbridge and the Patronus Charm, with tunes entitled: "Another Story," "The Ministry of Magic," "Fireworks," "Professor Umbridge" and "Dumbledore’s Army." An exhilarating musical journey for all ages, it is especially scored for your young band. (2:56)


頁數: 125
重量(g): 861.825503
UPC: 38081314426
