
Chop-Monster, Book 1

來自 Alfred Music
$600TWD - $600TWD
$600TWD - $600TWD

Chop-Monster 是著名爵士鋼琴家和教育家謝利-伯格(Shelly Berg)的一種連續爵士樂即興演奏法,它採用呼應式方法:學生聆聽爵士樂的想法,模仿直到內化,然後自己嘗試。在 Chop-Monster 1 中,學生將聆聽並即興演奏降 B 調的 Ima7、iimi7 和 V7 和絃,以及基本的藍調進行。在 Chop-Monster 2 中,學生將聆聽並即興演奏三個調(降 B 調、降 E 調、降 F 調)的 ii-V-I 進行

作曲家: Shelly Berg
樂器: Tuba
出版社: Alfred Music
Chop-Monster is a sequential jazz improvisation method by acclaimed jazz pianist and educator Shelly Berg that utilizes a "call-and-response" approach: students listen to a jazz idea, imitate it until it is internalized, and then "try it on their own." In Chop-Monster 1, students will hear and improvise to the Ima7, iimi7, and V7 chords in the key of B-flat, plus a basic blues progression. In Chop-Monster 2 students will hear and improvise to the ii-V-I progression in three keys (concert B-flat, E-flat, F).

頁數: 40
重量(g): 158.7573295
ISBN: 9780739031292
UPC: 38081212975

