
Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Lesson Book 2 鋼琴

來自 Alfred Music
$360TWD - $360TWD
$360TWD - $360TWD

這種循序漸進的教學方法強調正確的演奏習慣,並通過音程識別來讀取音符。第二冊課程是第一冊 B 級課程的延續。本書介紹了附點二分音符和附點四分音符,以及六度、七度和八度音程。本冊還將教授更多的手部動作,包括一二拍交叉和音階練習。學生還將學習到更多有關三和弦、主和絃、閉塞和絃和分解和絃的知識。歌曲包括18 世紀之舞 * 阿魯埃特 * 藍色音階 * 卡呂普索狂歡節 * 坎坎舞 * 鱈魚和貽貝 * 哥爾韋吹笛人 * 走開!* 有很多節奏 * Kum-ba-yah!* 薰衣草之藍》 * 《倫敦橋》 * 《孤星圓舞曲》 * 《馬拉蓋納》 * 《尼克-納克-帕迪-瓦克》 * 《歡樂頌》 * 《哦!蘇珊娜* 阿維尼翁橋上 * 我們的特別圓舞曲 * 序曲 * 紅河谷 * 薩拉龐達 * 廣場舞 * 當你長大 * 為什麼我是藍色的?

作曲家: Willard A Palmer Morton Manus and Amanda Vick Lethco
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Level 2;
風格: Children
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 2 continues where Level 1B finishes. This book introduces dotted half notes and dotted quarter notes, plus intervals of 6ths, 7ths and octaves. Teaches greater movement of the hands, including crossing two over one and scalework. Students will also learn more about triads, primary chords, and blocked and broken chords. Songs Include: 18th Century Dance * Alouette * Blue Scales * Calypso Carnival * The Can-Can * Cockles and Mussels * The Galway Piper * Get Away! * Got Lotsa Rhythm * Kum-ba-yah! * Lavender’s Blue * London Bridge * Lone Star Waltz * Malaguena * Nick Nack Paddy Wack * Ode to Joy * Oh! Susanna! * On the Bridge at Avignon * Our Special Waltz * Prelude * Red River Valley * Sarasponda * Square Dance * When You Grow Up * Why Am I Blue?

頁數: 48
重量(g): 181.436948
ISBN: 9780882848129
UPC: 38081001197
