
Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Lesson Book 1B 鋼琴

來自 Alfred Music
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$360TWD - $360TWD

這種循序漸進的方法強調正確的演奏習慣和通過音程識別來讀取音符。第 1B 課首先複習了第 1A 課中教授的概念,然後介紹了一些新概念,如不完整小節、速度標記、八分音符和休止符、制音踏板的使用、半音階和全音階。它還通過四和絃的概念介紹了大調音階。歌曲包括 約翰兄弟 * G 大調頌歌 * 旋轉木馬 * 小丑 * 音樂會時間 * 牛仔之歌 * 布穀鳥 * 法國搖籃曲 * 好國王瓦茨拉夫 * 早安!好聲音》 * 《爺爺的鐘錶》 * 《地球上最偉大的表演》 * 《G's in the BAG * G's in the BAG * Hail to Thee, America!* 豎琴之歌 * 祝你生日快樂!* 印第安人 * 加入歡樂 * 魔術師 * 金錢買不到一切 * 音樂盒搖滾 * Oom-Pa-Pa!乒乓球》 * 《行星》 * 《彩虹》 * 《奏鳴曲》 * 《快步走》 * 《華爾滋時間》 * 《當我們在一起》 * 《嘻哈歌》 * 《生日快樂 * 當我們的樂隊前進時 * 旋風 * 風車 * 揚基塗鴉"

作曲家: Willard A Palmer Morton Manus and Amanda Vick Lethco
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Level 1B;
風格: Children
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 1B begins by reviewing the concepts taught in Lesson Book 1A, then introduces new concepts such as incomplete measures; tempo markings; eighth notes and rests; using the damper pedal; half steps and whole steps. It also introduces the major scale through the concept of tetrachords. Songs Include: Brother John * Carol in G Major * The Carousel * The Clown * Concert Time * A Cowboy’s Song * The Cuckoo * French Lullaby * Good King Wenceslas * Good Morning to You! * Good Sounds * Grandpa’s Clock * The Greatest Show on Earth! * G’s in the "BAG" * Hail to Thee, America! * Harp Song * Happy Birthday to You! * Indians * Join the Fun * The Magic Man * Money Can’t Buy Everything * Music Box Rock * Oom-Pa-Pa! * Ping Pong * The Planets * The Rainbow * Sonatina * Step Right Up! * Waltz Time * When Our Band Goes Marching By! * When the Saints Go Marching In * The Whirlwind * The Windmill * Yankee Doodle

試聽: MoneyCantBuyEverything

頁數: 48
重量(g): 226.796185
ISBN: 9780739027448
UPC: 38081197449
