
Marionetten I -kleine Stücke für Klavier- Little Pieces 馬悌努 小品 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$630TWD - $630TWD
$630TWD - $630TWD

這組鋼琴曲在博胡斯拉夫-馬蒂紐早期的其他作品中佔有特殊的地位。鑒於這部作品在音樂和美學方面所提出的挑戰,《木偶》這組作品超越了這一時期的其他作品,從廣義上講,這些作品具有說教性質,是為學習目的而設計的。馬蒂紐在 1912-1925 年間創作了這部作品,在此期間,他對這些作品進行了再創作和修改,以至於《傀儡 I》在時間上排在《傀儡 III》之後,而《傀儡 III》是該系列中最早的一部。第三冊(《木偶 I》)創作於 1925 年,包含五個短篇: 哥倫布舞曲》、《新木偶》、《害羞的娃娃》、《童話》以及最後的《木偶之舞》。木偶》I-III 是演奏的樂趣所在,同時也是值得學習的素材,是年輕鋼琴家的必備曲目。這三部作品均由 Editio Bärenreiter 出版,並由 Ales Brezina 編輯出版了全新的修訂版教材

作曲家: Martinu, Bohuslav
改編者: Brezina, Aleš
樂器: for Piano
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
This cycle of piano pieces occupies an exceptional position among the other compositions from Bohuslav Martinu's early period. In view of the musical and aesthetic challenges this work presents, the cycle Puppets goes beyond the other pieces from this period which, broadly speaking, are didactic in nature and designed for the purposes of study. Martinu wrote the cycle between the years 1912-1925 and, during this time, he reworked and changed the pieces to the extent that Puppets I chronologically comes after Puppets III, which is the earliest in the series. The third book (Puppets I) dates from 1925 and contains five short pieces: Columbine Dances, The New Puppet, The Shy Doll, Fairy Tale and, finally, The Puppets' Dance. Puppets I-III are a joy to play, while providing a worthwhile source of study material, and are an essential part of the repertoire of young pianists. All three books are published by Editio Bärenreiter in new, revised urtext editions edited by Ales Brezina.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 127
尺寸(cm): 31,0 x 23,5 cm
ISMN: 9790260104402
