
Walzer op. 54 德弗札克 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

八首鋼琴圓舞曲作品 54 於 1880 年由西姆羅克出版,共兩卷。一年前,布拉格國家協會舞會委員會要求捷克著名作曲家用新舞曲豐富第 30 屆年度舞會的節目。德沃夏克決定創作華爾滋。他創作的這首曲子確實符合華爾滋舞曲的慣常風格,但其中包含的節奏和樂章自由概念並不適合實用舞曲。德沃夏克意識到了這一點,並決定利用更有特色的主題創作幾首獨立的雙手鋼琴音樂會華爾滋。就這樣,一系列華爾滋誕生了,其中兩首被作曲家改編成絃樂四重奏。這些華爾滋很快成為音樂會舞臺和家庭的座上賓。該出版物是第一部《安東寧-德沃夏克作品評論全集》的一部分"

作曲家: Dvorák, Antonín
樂器: piano 鋼琴
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
The eight Waltzes for piano Op. 54 were published in two volumes by Simrock in 1880. A year earlier the Ball Committee of the National Society in Prague asked eminent Czech composers to enrich the programme of the 30th Annual Ball with new dance music. Dvorák decided for the waltz. The piece he composed did keep to the usual scheme of the dance waltz, however it contained notions of rhythmic and motional freedom which were not suitable for practical dance music. Dvorák realised this and decided to use the more characterful themes to create several independent concert waltzes for piano two hands. Thus began a series of waltzes, two of which the composer adjusted for string quartet. The waltzes soon became the welcome guests of concert stages and households alike. The publication is part of the first Complete Critical Edition of the Works of Antonín Dvorák.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 240
尺寸(cm): 31,0 x 23,5 cm
ISMN: 9790260106192
