
Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra B minor op. 104 德弗札克 協奏曲 大提琴 管弦樂團 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

B 小調大提琴與樂隊協奏曲,作品 104,無疑是世界大提琴曲目中最受歡迎的作品之一,也是德沃夏克(1841-1904 年)擔任紐約國立音樂學院院長三年期間(1892-1895 年)在美國創作的最後一部作品。作曲家並不特別喜歡將大提琴作為獨奏樂器,因為他認為大提琴只有在樂隊或室內樂合奏中才能發出美妙的聲音,因為它只有中音才是精緻的(他曾評論說:"在上面它喃喃自語,在下面它隆隆作響"),但有趣的是,他為大提琴寫了這首協奏曲,這首作品受到全世界藝術家和聽眾的真誠和毫無保留的讚美。此書是根據作曲家手稿出版的評論版,也是第一部《安東寧-德沃夏克作品評論全集》的一部分。只有在例外情況下,該版本才使用了更為現代的大提琴記譜法,從低音譜號直接過渡到高音譜號--在這種情況下,大提琴的音色與書寫的一樣。卡雷爾-索爾克(Karel Solc)對這一版本中作曲家的鋼琴改編曲進行了補充和修訂。中提琴部分由著名的波希米亞四重奏前成員拉迪斯拉夫-澤倫卡(Ladislav Zelenka)修訂出版"

作曲家: Dvorák, Antonín
改編者: Zelenka, Ladislav
樂器: for Violoncello and Orchestra
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in B minor, Op. 104, is undoubtedly one of the most popular works from the worldwide cello repertoire, and it is the last composition by Dvorak (1841-1904) written in America during his three-year stay when he worked as the director of the National Conservatory of Music in New York (1892-1895). The composer was not particularly fond of the cello as a solo instrument because he was convinced it could only sound wonderful in the orchestra or chamber ensemble, since only its middle pitch was refined (as he once commented: 'up there it mumbles and down there it rumbles'), yet it is interesting to note that he wrote this concerto for the cello, a piece sincerely and unreservedly admired by artists and audiences the world over. This title is a critical edition based on the composer's manuscript and is part of the first Complete Critical Edition of Works by Antonin Dvorak. Only exceptionally does this edition use a more modern method of cello notation for direct transition from bass to treble clefs - in these cases the cello sounds the way it is written. For this edition the composer's adaptation for piano was supplemented and revised by Karel Solc. The violoncello part is published in a revision by Ladislav Zelenka, former member of the famous Bohemian Quartet.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 301
尺寸(cm): 31,0 x 23,5 cm
ISMN: 9790260103320

