

  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    The Salley Gardens 彼得版

    作曲家: Parry, Ben樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters重量(g): 53EAN: 9790577085210

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $780TWD - $780TWD
    $780TWD - $780TWD

    The Seasons Hob XXI/3 (New Edition) 海頓 四季 彼得版

    STB Soli-SATB Chorus-2(II=Picc).2.2.2Cbsn-作曲家: Haydn Joseph樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters原文簡介: STB Soli—SATB Chorus—...

    $780TWD - $780TWD
    $780TWD - $780TWD
  • $780TWD - $780TWD
    $780TWD - $780TWD

    The Seven Last Words 海頓 彼得版

    SATB 獨唱-SATB 合唱-作曲家: Haydn Joseph樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters原文簡介: SATB Soli—SATB Chorus———Timp—Str重量(...

    $780TWD - $780TWD
    $780TWD - $780TWD
  • $150TWD - $150TWD
    $150TWD - $150TWD

    The Souls Of The Righteous

    正義者的靈魂》是為大衛-貝德納爾的好友湯姆-威廉姆斯創作的,他當時是布里斯托爾大學瑪德里格爾樂團的團長。這首曲子是在他的祖父喬治-瑞爾(George Ryall)去世後立即創作的,並於 2008 年 Madrigal Ensemble 在康沃爾巡演時在廷塔吉爾的聖馬特裡亞納進行了首演"作曲家:...

    $150TWD - $150TWD
    $150TWD - $150TWD
  • $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD

    The Spring of the Water of Life

    生命之泉》是霍華德-古道爾(Howard Goodall)為女高音聲部和管風琴創作的歡快頌歌。樂曲以傑勒德-曼利-霍普金斯(Gerard Manley Hopkins)和喬治-赫伯特(George Herbert)的詩歌(分別為《上帝的偉大》和《花》)以及《啟示錄》中的話語為背景,最後以凱旋結...

    $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    The Swete Roose

    斯威特-羅斯》是為牛津大學新學院合唱團創作的。這首輕柔的樂曲為唱詩班在將臨期和耶誕節禮拜中提供了一個極具吸引力的新選擇。可愛的 15 世紀文本提供了一個富有特色的基礎,托比在此基礎上創作了一首本質上現代的頌歌,巧妙地讓人想起中世紀音樂的調式世界。這部作品是為無伴奏混聲合唱配樂的,特別適合大教堂...

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    The Sycamore Tree 布瑞頓

    本傑明-布裡頓的《梧桐樹》採用膾炙人口的《我看見三隻船》為背景音樂,為無伴奏 SATB 合唱團編配。合唱曲描繪了鐘聲清新、悅耳的音色"作曲家: Britten, Benjamin樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Faber Music原文簡介: Benjamin Britten's T...

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    The Twelve Days of Christmas 彼得版

    無伴奏合唱作曲家: Traditional樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters原文簡介: SSAATTBB a cappella重量(g): 74EAN: 9790577085050

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $480TWD - $480TWD
    $480TWD - $480TWD

    The Worcester Service (Vocal Score) 聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Wilson, Alan樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 70

    $480TWD - $480TWD
    $480TWD - $480TWD
  • $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD

    The World at the Manger (Chorus Part) 威廉森馬科姆 合唱

    作曲家: Williamson, Malcolm樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 35

    $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD
  • $600TWD - $600TWD
    $600TWD - $600TWD

    The World at the Manger (Vocal Score) 威廉森馬科姆 聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Williamson, Malcolm樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 120

    $600TWD - $600TWD
    $600TWD - $600TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    They that put their trust in the Lord 彼得版

    -巴里(Ben Barry)為混聲合唱團編曲的 "信靠耶和華的人們"作曲家: Parry, Ben樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters原文簡介: They that put their trust in the Lord by Ben Barry, arran...

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    Things (Word Book)

    作曲家: Hazell, Chris樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 34

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $540TWD - $540TWD
    $540TWD - $540TWD

    Thirty 20th Century Hymn Tunes 讚美歌

    作曲家: Various樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 90

    $540TWD - $540TWD
    $540TWD - $540TWD
  • $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD

    This Christmas Night (Vocal Score) 威廉森馬科姆 聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Williamson, Malcolm樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 9

    $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD
  • $240TWD - $240TWD
    $240TWD - $240TWD

    Thou Madest All Things Well (Vocal Score) 聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Kidd, Michael樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 8

    $240TWD - $240TWD
    $240TWD - $240TWD
  • $300TWD - $300TWD
    $300TWD - $300TWD

    Three Choric Hymns (Vocal Score) 威廉森馬科姆 聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Williamson, Malcolm樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 26

    $300TWD - $300TWD
    $300TWD - $300TWD
  • $270TWD - $270TWD
    $270TWD - $270TWD

    Three Early English Lyrics (Vocal Score)  聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Walker, Robert樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger頁數: 12重量(g): 19

    $270TWD - $270TWD
    $270TWD - $270TWD
  • $240TWD - $240TWD
    $240TWD - $240TWD

    Three Folk Songs 民謠 彼得版

    作曲家: Traditional樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters重量(g): 70EAN: 9790577084992

    $240TWD - $240TWD
    $240TWD - $240TWD
  • $480TWD - $480TWD
    $480TWD - $480TWD

    Three Motets (in memoriam Benjamin Britten) 經文歌 彼得版

    作曲家: Standford, Patric樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters重量(g): 70

    $480TWD - $480TWD
    $480TWD - $480TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    To What God Shall We Chant Our Songs Of Battle? 馬修斯大衛 聖歌

    作曲家: Matthews, David樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Faber Music原文簡介: To what God shall we chant our songs of battle?  was commissioned by James O’Donnell  and...

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    Together in Unity (Vocal Score) 威廉森馬科姆 聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Williamson, Malcolm樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 10

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD
  • $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD

    Tribus miraculis

    SAATB 無伴奏合唱作曲家: de Lassus, Orlande樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Edition Peters原文簡介: SAATB a cappella重量(g): 90

    $210TWD - $210TWD
    $210TWD - $210TWD
  • $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD

    Trisagion (Vocal Score) 聲樂總譜

    作曲家: Wilson, Alan樂器: Mixed Voices出版社: Josef Weinberger重量(g): 9

    $180TWD - $180TWD
    $180TWD - $180TWD