
Orchestral Favourites 沃恩威廉斯

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

沃恩-威廉斯是同代英國作曲家中的佼佼者,他的作品在一定程度上創造了一種獨特的英國音樂習慣。他深受民歌的影響,這一點在《諾福克狂想曲 1 號》和《格林斯萊維斯幻想曲》中體現得淋漓盡致。然而,這些作品遠不止是直接引用人們熟悉的曲調,而是融入了他獨特的個人視角和語言,使它們與本碟中的其他作品一起成為二十世紀管弦樂的常青樹"

作曲家: Vaughan Williams Ralph
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
One of the leading English composers of his generation, Vaughan Williams' work went some way towards creating a specifically English musical idiom. He was highly influenced by folk-song, as represented here most clearly in both the Norfolk Rhapsody No. 1and in the Fantasia on Greensleves. These are far more than just direct quotations of familiar tunes, however, and are coloured by his own inimitable personal vision and language, establishing them along with the other works on this disc as perennial orchestral favourites of the twentieth century.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 747313586721
