
Beethoven: 15 Variations and a Fugue in E-flat Major ("Eroica Variations"), Opus 35 貝多芬 詠唱調 復格曲 詠唱調 作品

來自 Alfred Music
$340TWD - $340TWD
$340TWD - $340TWD

羅卡變奏曲 "之所以被稱為 "埃羅卡變奏曲",是因為它後來被改編為貝多芬第三交響曲(埃羅卡)作品 55 的終曲。這部作品結構宏偉,鋼琴寫作獨具匠心,美輪美奐,是一部與眾不同的作品。這部作品對技術的要求相當高,與貝多芬中期的許多其他作品不相上下。這需要高超的手指技巧,而且對速度和音量的要求往往不謀而合。這一版本由查理斯-辛布雷爾編輯,以作為第一版樂譜來源的親筆簽名為基礎"

作曲家: Beethoven Ludwig van
校訂者: Charles Timbrell
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced;
風格: Masterwork
The "Eroica Variations"---so-called because they were later re-worked for the finale of Beethoven's third ("Eroica") Symphony, Op. 55---occupy a prominent place in piano literature. Its structural grandeur and the originality and beauty of its piano writing set this work apart. The technical demands are considerable, on par with many other works from Beethoven's middle period. A brilliant finger technique is called for, and often the demands for speed and volume coincide. This edition, edited by Charles Timbrell, is based on the autograph, which served as the source-score for the first edition.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 136.077711
ISBN: 9781470619848
UPC: 38081497488
