
Allegro KV 400 快板 雙長笛 齊默爾曼版

$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

莫札特在維也納期間創作的為數不多的鋼琴作品之一是《KY 400快板》,它可能是作為整首奏鳴曲的第一樂章而創作的。即使是這首快板,流傳下來的也只是片段: 莫札特只寫了展開部和發展部。我們必須感謝奏鳴曲形式的規則,它規定了展開部和再現部的某種相似性,因此阿貝-施塔德勒成功地忠實地完成了這一樂章。為兩支長笛改編莫札特的音樂絕不是我們這個時代的發明。當代有許多改編作品,如歌劇詠歎調和小提琴奏鳴曲,也許它們就是莫札特自己寫的"

作曲家: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Stadler, Anton
校訂者: Holle, Klaus
樂器: 2 flutes
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
One of the few piano compositions written by Mozart during his time in Vienna is the Allegra KY 400, probably composed as the first movement of an entire sonata. Even this allegro has been handed down in fragments only: Mozart only wrote the exposition and development sections. We have to thank the rules of the sonata form for stipulating a certain similarity of exposition and reprise, so that Abbé Stadler succeded in completing this movement in a faithful manner. Transcribing Mozart's music for two flutes is by no means an invention of our days. There are numerous contemporary arrangements, e.g. of opera arias and violin sonatas, perhaps they were written by Mozart himself.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 20
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790010322100
