
Danzòn Cubano 柯普蘭 雙鋼琴 博浩版

$2,930TWD - $2,930TWD
$2,930TWD - $2,930TWD

古巴一直在科普蘭的腦海中縈繞。受委託為作曲家協會成立 20 周年創作一首曲子,促使他創作了雙鋼琴曲《古巴舞曲》(Danzón Cubano)。這首曲子以古巴舞蹈節奏為基礎,尤其是 "達農舞",這是一種莊重的舞蹈,有點像華爾滋。在兩個對比鮮明的部分中,科普蘭使用了四種古巴舞蹈的切分節拍和多重節奏。科普蘭解釋說:"我並沒有試圖再現原汁原味的古巴音色,而是自由地加入了我自己的點綴,如錯位的重音和意想不到的無聲節拍"

作曲家: Copland, Aaron
樂器: 2 pianos
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Cuba had been on Copland's mind for some time. A commission to write a piece for the Leage of Composers' 20th anniversary gave him the incentive to compose Danzón Cubano for two pianos. It is based on Cuban dance rhythms, particularly the danón, a stately dance, somewhat like the waltz. In two contrasting sections, Copland makes use of four Cuban dances with syncopated beats and polyrhythms. Copland explained, I did not attempt to reproduce an authentic Cuban sound, but felt free to add my own touches of displaced accents and unexpected silent beats.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790051271054
UPC: 73999997163
