
Romances, Op. 94 for Oboe & Piano 舒曼‧羅伯特 雙簧管 鋼琴 浪漫曲 雙簧管(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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$700TWD - $700TWD

849年,舒曼將室內樂作品贈予三件管樂器:單簧管的《三首幻想曲》作品73,圓號的《阿達格舞曲》作品73,單簧管的《"我 "與 "我"》作品73。作品 73,圓號作品 70 中的 "Adagio and Allegro",以及雙簧管作品 70,雙簧管的 "Drei Romanzen" 作品 94。94. 在第一首浪漫曲中,我們感受到了 A 小調民謠般的情緒。第二首浪漫曲類似一首無詞歌,為 A 大調,而尾聲中的呼喚主題和鋼琴琶音則讓人想起當時北歐的流行詩歌。羅馬贊》創作於 1849 年 12 月,是送給舒曼妻子克拉拉的聖誕禮物。這份手稿已不復存在,但我們可以參考一些親筆草圖來編寫我們的文本。編者的序言和評注提供了大量有關資料來源和遇到的文本問題的資訊"

作曲家: Robert Schumann
校訂者: Georg Meerwein
樂器: Oboe; Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In 1849, Schumann gifted chamber music works to three wind instruments: the clarinet with the “Drei Fantasiestücke” op. 73, the horn with the Adagio and Allegro op. 70, and the oboe with these “Drei Romanzen” op. 94. In te first Romance, we have a ballade-like mood in A minor. The second romance resembles a song without words, and is in A major, while the finale, with its calling motifs and piano arpeggios, recalls the popular poems of Northern Europe of the time. Composed in December 1849, the Romanzen were presented to Schumann's wife Clara as a Christmas present. This manuscript does not survive, but it has been possible to consult some autograph sketches for our Urtext. The editor's preface and commentary provide extensive information about the sources and the textual problems encountered.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 124.74
UPC: 884088176204
