
Mind Your Fingers Technical studies 雙簧管教材 齊默爾曼版

$1,450TWD - $1,450TWD
$1,450TWD - $1,450TWD

許多雙簧管演奏家都知道,當快速的樂段,尤其是第三個八度的樂段出現黑色條紋時,單個音符和指法不再清晰可辨,無法區分。本書旨在幫助雙簧管演奏者在高八度的演奏中保持跟蹤。Mind your Fingers》一書最初是為長笛演奏家而寫的,這裡介紹的是摩西-愛潑斯坦(Moshe Epstein)與萊納-赫爾維格(Rainer Herweg)共同為雙簧管演奏家特別改編的曲目"

作曲家: Epstein, Moshe Aron
校訂者: Herweg, Rainer
樂器: oboe
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Many oboists know the feeling when quick passages especially in the third octave appear as black stripes where single notes and fingerings are no longer perceptibel and cannot be separated one from the other. The book wants to help the oboist to keep trace of what is going on when rising in the high octaves. Mind your Fingers was originally written for the flutist, the book presented here is a special adaptation for oboists, arranged by Moshe Epstein together with Rainer Herweg.

語言: German - English
頁數: 134
重量(g): 450
ISMN: 9790010352206
