
18 Etudes For Oboe Or Saxophone (oboe And Saxophone) 雙簧管 薩氏管練習曲

$1,040TWD - $1,040TWD
$1,040TWD - $1,040TWD

18首雙簧管或薩克斯風練習曲由尤金-博紮(Eugène Bozza)創作,適合中高級演奏者演奏。 這些練習曲難度很大,大部分只有一頁紙的篇幅,可提高演奏者的靈活性和音色:1. 快樂的中速,具有即興演奏的特點 2. 富有表現力和靈活性的中板 3. 快板 4. 極其溫和,音色優美 5. 慢板 6. 音色優美的安魂曲 7. 深沉寧靜的安坦提諾 8. Tarentelle (Allegro vivace) 9. 慢板 10. 朗誦 11. 小快板(優美) 12. 小快板 13. 活潑快板 14. 西西里舞曲 15. 為雙簧管和鋼琴而作的田園幻想曲即興曲 16. 重奏(中速) 17. 前奏曲 18. 歐仁-博紮曾在巴黎音樂學院贏得小提琴、指揮和作曲一等獎以及羅馬大獎賽等多個獎項。他創作了多部歌劇、室內樂作品和芭蕾舞劇""

作曲家: Eugène Bozza
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“18 etudes for Oboe or Saxophone was composed by Eugène Bozza for upper intermediate / advanced players. Quite difficult, most of these studies are one-page long and will improve the flexibility and the sonority of the players: 1. Moderato a piacere, with the character of an improvisation 2. Moderato expressive and flexible 3. Allegro giocoso 4. Très modérément with a nice sonority 5. Allegetto scherzando 6. Andantino with a nice sonority 7. Andantino deep and quiet 8. Tarentelle (Allegro vivace) 9. Andantino 10. Recitativo 11. Allegro moderato (grazioso) 12. Allegro moderato 13. Allegro vivo 14. Sicilienne 15. Improvisation after Pastoral Fantasy for Oboe and Piano 16. Recitativo (Moderato) 17. Presto 18. Moderato Eugène Bozza won different prizes at the Conservatoire de Paris such as the First Prize for the Violin, conducting and composition, as well as the Grand Prix de Rome. He composed several operas, chamber works and ballets among others.”

頁數: 16
重量(g): 76.545
UPC: 888680839246
