
Song without words op. 30/3 孟德爾頌.菲利克斯 無言歌 長號加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$480TWD - $480TWD
$480TWD - $480TWD

言歌"--菲力克斯-孟德爾松-巴托爾迪(Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy,1809-1847 年)這樣稱呼他的抒情鋼琴曲--作曲家希望在鍵盤樂器上 "歌唱 "的浪漫小品。憑藉這些作品,他在 19 世紀發明了一種全新的室內樂演奏形式。這些 "歌曲 "也非常適合二重奏:旋律樂器與鋼琴伴奏。作品 30/3 中的'無言歌'是一首低音域的抒情獨奏曲

作曲家: Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
校訂者: Birtel, Wolfgang
樂器: trombone and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Songs Without Words' – that's what Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847) called his lyrical piano pieces, the romantic miniatures in which the composer wanted to 'sing' on the keyboard instrument. With them, he invented an entirely new form of chamber music playing in the 19th century. These 'Songs' are also perfectly suitable for duo playing: for a melodic instrument with piano accompaniment. The 'Song Without Words' Op. 30/3 is a lyrical and rewarding solo piece in the lower register.

頁數: 6
重量(g): 60
ISMN: 9790001180207
