
Concerto for Trombone and Orchestra Piano Reduction 協奏曲 長號 管弦樂團鋼琴

來自 PWM Edition
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$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

卡齊米日-塞羅基斯的《長號協奏曲》是 20 世紀歐洲音樂會上為數不多的為長號而作的作品之一。協奏曲》創作於 1953 年,當時正值東歐國家文化的困難時期,尤其是社會主義現實主義思潮盛行。政治因素的壓力導致戰後波蘭藝術的發展嚴重滯後,有效地抑制了任何旨在使其現代化的傾向。當時,在我國音樂界,對新古典主義美學的強烈依戀根深蒂固,這一點在《長號協奏曲》中也有所體現。塞洛克基的作品與傳統模式的唯一區別在於其結構,由四個結構段(而非三個)組成。作曲家的這一改動並沒有改變各個樂章在樂曲整體構建過程中的作用。此外,長號演奏技巧的特殊性並不允許演奏家表現出精湛的技藝,因此作曲家將獨奏家與樂隊之間的競爭改為他們之間的合作[......] T. Chylinska, S. Haraschin, M. Jablonski: T. Chylinska, S. Haraschin, M. Jablonski: Przewodnik po muzyce koncertowej (Guide to Concert Music), (Part II, PWM Edition, Krakow 2004)。該協奏曲由 Juliusz Pietrachoqicz 於 1954 年 12 月 18 日在華沙由華沙愛樂樂團首次演奏"

作曲家: Kazimierz Serocki
樂器: Trombone; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: PWM Edition
Kazimierz Serockis “Concerto for Trombone” is one of the few 20th-century European concert items intended for trombone. The Concerto was composed in 1953 – thus, in a difficult time for the culture of the countries in the East bloc, especially marked by the ideology of socialist realism. The pressure of political factors caused a great delay in the development of post-war Polish art, effectively damping any tendencies aiming to modernize it. In the music of our country, there took root at that time a strong attachment to the neoclassical aesthetic that also revealed itself in the Trombone Concerto, which is maintained, in its stylistic aspect, within the bounds of a convention typical of that genre. The only element differentiating Serocki's work from the traditional pattern is its structure, comprising four structural segments (instead of three). The modification introduced by the composer did not result in changes in the roles of the individual movements in the process of building the piece as a whole. The peculiar character of trombone-playing technique, furthermore, does not permit virtuosic elements to be displayed – the composer therefore replaced rivalry between the soloist and the orchestra with collaboration between them [...] T. Chylinska, S. Haraschin, M. Jablonski: Przewodnik po muzyce koncertowej (Guide to Concert Music), (Part II, PWM Edition, Krakow 2004). The Concerto was performed for the first time by Juliusz Pietrachoqicz on 18 December 1954 in Warsaw, by tne Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra.

頁數: 48
重量(g): 147.42
UPC: 884088980030
